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Case Study

Bridging Home Buyers and Realtors with a User-Friendly Mobile App



The client envisioned a sophisticated solution aimed at fostering seamless interactions between home buyers and realtors. Their specific demand was the development of a dynamic mobile application designed for open-house exploration. This platform needed to go beyond the conventional by offering a highly iterative interface, allowing users to navigate and search for properties according to their unique preferences.

The client's emphasis on user-friendliness underscored the importance of creating an engaging and efficient experience. The ultimate goal was to bridge the gap between prospective buyers and real estate professionals, providing a technologically advanced yet accessible means for users to discover and connect with their ideal properties.


The client faced a significant disconnect between online-discovered open houses and the attending buyers. Holding open houses remained the primary method for maximizing public exposure, but a considerable gap existed in how agents conducted these events and how buyers could efficiently attend. Compounding the issue, agents were restricted from sharing crucial information like contact details with fellow open house agents, making it challenging for buyers to access relevant event information beyond date and time. The absence of effective communication channels led to issues such as difficulty obtaining gate codes, unawareness of time changes, and buyers struggling to locate homes with the assistance of real estate IT consulting.

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