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The Top 6 Customer Experience Pitfalls That Will Kill Your Company


I am sure you have heard the saying, "You have to fall in love with a product before you can sell it." The same is true for customer experience. You need to fall in love with your customers and their needs so that when you are talking about your company or product, they are talking about what is important to them — not just how amazing your products are. And yet, every day we see companies making mistakes when it comes to customer experience that could be avoided if only they knew better how they were perceived by potential customers (and vice versa). Customers expect consistency from you. No matter what happens, always show up for your customers because a Salesforce report on CX showed 85% of customers expect consistency in all services you offer. If your customers move from one channel to another, we need to make sure that they get the same message and feelings across each channel. Here are some common pitfalls:

1. Focusing on yourself rather than the customer

Customers are the reason you are in business. Your responsibility is to solve problems and help customers achieve their goals. If you do not focus on your customers, they will leave—and there is nothing more devastating than losing a client who has been with you for years. All that you offer should solve the customers’ problem rather than benefit you. 

You need to ask yourself: What does my business do? And then answer: It serves its customers by solving their problems. 

2. Failing to put the customer at the center of your culture and strategy

A 2021 report by PwC that was published after a survey with over 3200 participating leaders, shows that the culture of the organization will always be at the forefront in propelling the organization’s performance. This means that if the excellent customer experience is a part of your culture, you are more likely to attract new customers and maintain a pool of customers for eternity.

If you are a business owner or manager, you must understand what makes for a great customer experience. After all, without customers' loyalty and satisfaction—and their willingness to spend money on your products or services—you would not be in business for very long. The best way for businesses to stay relevant is by providing excellent experiences for their customers from start (which means ensuring that their websites are easy-to-navigate) through completion (when they receive everything they ordered).

For example, A large electronics retailer has more than 100 stores nationwide; each location has access via its website so people can browse through inventory while they wait at home or work during off-peak hours when stores are closed anyway! This allows them not only to reduce overhead costs but also increase revenue because sales go up when prices drop due to too many people shopping online instead of visiting brick & mortar locations."

3. Failing to prioritize

Prioritization is the key to success. It is more than just the top 10 things you need to do, it is about what is essential for your business and should be your focus when working on customer experience.

If there are too many tasks on your plate, it can feel impossible to get anything done because every day feels like a struggle—and this may cause customers to lose trust in you as a company or brand.

4. Trying to be everything to everybody

The other way you can ruin your customer experience is by trying to be everything to everybody.

Not everyone has the same needs, so it is important to focus on what you know and do best, and then build upon those strengths. This will help you create an authentic brand experience that speaks directly to your target audience.

If one thing is clear in this industry as we move through 2022 and beyond: there are no shortcuts or easy solutions! You need passion, dedication, and commitment from every member of your team if they want their company’s CX strategy to go from good (or even great) into exceptional levels of service excellence within their industries/market space.

5. Not understanding what makes your customers different

When it comes to customer experience, you can not just assume that "they are all the same." There are plenty of differences between your customers: their needs, buying habits and motivations; expectations and personalities; backgrounds. The list goes on and on. As a matter of fact, according to a report by Salesforce, 56% of customers expect their services to be highly personalized.

That is why it is important for you as a company to understand what makes each type of person unique so you can better meet their needs as they pertain to your product or service.

6. Failure to learn from the previous Pitfalls

The takeaway here is that we all make mistakes, but not all mistakes are fatal. The best thing you can do when you make a mistake is to learn from it and move forward. Don't dwell on what went wrong; instead, focus on how your customers responded to the situation and determine if there's anything you could do differently next time around. Your aim is to make sure that no mistake repeats itself.

Whether or not an opportunity to provide a great customer experience has already come up, these are all things that we can be looking out for. This can give us the best chance of making the right moves when we do get that opportunity. Every business has made at least a few of these mistakes at some point in its history, so it's okay to feel like you're not as experienced as you'd like to be in this area. However, make it your goal to never make any of these mistakes again.

If customers are happy with their experience with your brand or product in general—and they're likely going to tell others about this—then everything else will take care of itself!


Defects in the customer experience can be a real problem for businesses, but there are many ways you can avoid them or, at least, minimize their impact. You see, while it is important to focus on customer engagement, it is just as important to ensure that your channels are working well and that people can easily find your business. One way to do this is by judging your customer experience based not only on its components but how they interact with one another. 

We are not saying that you should stop working on your customer experience. We whole heartedly believe that you should continue to work on it! It is a great idea to have a customer experience strategy in place and to keep improving it from there. But it is also important not to get too focused on the process itself or lose sight of what matters—your customers.

To succeed in an increasingly competitive landscape, it is crucial that you not only understand what your customer experience strategy needs to accomplish but also how to effectively implement it.

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