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Resilience for a Digital-first disrupted world


You might have heard of the phrase "resilience". It means you can bounce back and keep going no matter what happens. In this digital age, we are easily disrupted by anything that comes our way. That's why we need to be resilient too. As developers and content creators, our job is to create awesome stuff that can last long periods. But being able to keep on working hard despite these disruptive changes is also an important part of our job—even if people are not taking advantage of it today (yet).

When digital disruption takes hold of businesses, organizations, and even entire industries, it can be difficult for leaders to stay rooted in their vision. As much as businesses work to change with the market, they also have to make sure that their people can do the same.

The world of work got more complex, and it's a good thing that the majority of nations are adopting digital transformation to make the world of work easier. For Instance, 7.9 million people use the internet (25% penetration). Of those, 2.5 million (8.5 percent) use social media regularly.  Generally, the economy is volatile and uncertain; it's global, which means it's unpredictable; and it's digital, so everyone can do their jobs anywhere in the world. If you're like most people who work in an employer-employee relationship (like me), this means that your job has changed a lot over time: your role has become more complicated—you're dealing with clients from all over the world; you have to make sure they get what they need when they need it, and you need to understand how technology changes all this as well as learn new skills every day (or at least once every two days).

To stay afloat, you must learn to swim.

You must change your mindset, open up to new things and be flexible to keep up with the pace of change. Resilience is about being adaptive and resourceful—and being curious about how things work so that you can adapt as necessary. If you want a job where you can grow and develop as an individual, one that will allow you to make a difference in people’s lives while also giving back more than just money (and maybe even learning something along the way), then resilience training might be right for you!

Be the CEO of Your Career

You are the CEO of your career. You have to be responsible for everything that goes on in your life, and this includes what happens with your professional development. You can't just leave everything up to others; you need to take charge of how things are done around here.

So what does it mean? It means being resilient—able to bounce back from failures or setbacks without losing faith in yourself or your abilities (and without letting them get too far out of hand). It means being flexible—able to change course when necessary if things are going south fast enough that there's no way around it anymore (and then finding a way). And finally, it means having curiosity about everything that happens around us: What do other people think about me? What does this job market look like next year? What skills do I need now so I don't get left behind by technology yet again?

Don't follow the crowd.

When your life is disrupted, you'll be tempted to follow the crowd. You might want to go with what everyone else is doing and adopt a particular style of work or lifestyle. But don't let others influence your decisions; be a leader in your own right!

Don't let anyone else's decisions influence your own. It's easy for us humans to get lost in the crowd and become followers of trends, but as leaders, we must lead by example—we should never sacrifice our values or goals because someone else thinks it would be cool. Don’t let anyone define who you are as an individual! That includes family members who may not understand why you choose certain things over others (or even if those things make sense). It also includes people outside of yourself who have no idea how much time goes into deciding which products or services will best serve them; they just see what comes out at the end—and there’s nothing wrong with that approach--but sometimes all those choices get too overwhelming when trying something new from scratch without guidance from experts…but again: as long as they're making good choices themselves then why should I feel bad?

So take ownership of yourself! This means being responsible for every decision made throughout each day until tomorrow morning rolls around again...so whether those decisions include going out tonight instead of staying home watching TV shows together; ordering pizza instead ordering Chinese food tonight while watching a football game simultaneously (yes please); whatever else happens during this week...it doesn't matter because each choice adds up towards making up YOUR LIFE!!

The only constant is change

The pace of change has accelerated in the last few years, and it's not slowing down anytime soon. The world is becoming more uncertain. Digitalization is changing how we do things every day, from how we communicate to how we shop to how we make decisions about our lives and careers. And that's just for starters! If you're like most people, you probably don't even realize how rapidly technology is changing—but rest assured that it does so at an incredible rate:

There are now more than 3 billion smartphones around the globe (up from 1 billion in 2010). This means more potential customers than ever before can access your product or service through mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets.* In addition to this growth in accessibility via mobile devices comes a growing number of people who don't own any devices at all.* Technology has made communication much easier; however it also makes it harder for us mentally because we must constantly filter out unwanted noise through context filters such as keywords used within search engines when looking up information online.* This means that people may see what someone else wants them to instead - something called "echo chamber syndrome."

You are an individual but not alone

You are an individual but not alone.

You are unique and that's a good thing. You can't compare yourself with others because you're not in their shoes, so don't try to be like them or try to do it all yourself (or even most of it). Don't be overly concerned about what other people think about you or your work; if they have something negative to say about it, let them have their opinion--but don't let those thoughts get inside your head and drive you away from pursuing your goals.

Instead of worrying too much about how others perceive your work, focus on what matters: making sure the content meets its intended audience's needs while also being consistent across platforms--and implementing strategies that help ensure consumers feel connected when interacting with brands through digital channels."

Learn from the past, take charge of your present, and look to the future.

The past is a guide to the future. The present is the time to take action. And tomorrow holds great promise for you if you can see it enough. The past, present, and future are all equally important—and they're all connected in ways that shape us as individuals, organizations, and societies around us today!

Self-care is paramount.

Self-care is paramount. It’s not selfish or a luxury, it’s the first step in building resilience and avoiding burnout. It takes time, but if you make self-care a priority, you will see results!

Take time each day to relax with friends or family members who care about you. Get enough sleep each night so that your body can rest properly and rejuvenate itself for the next day's work or play. Eat well; nourish your body with good food when possible—this includes taking walks outside as well! Exercise regularly—it helps keep stress levels down while improving mental health at the same time!

Set healthy boundaries early on to avoid being overwhelmed by other people’s needs (and expectations). Set aside specific times during which only those two things apply: "My job" vs "My life." For example: If someone asks me about my favorite restaurant tonight then I'll tell them without hesitation because we've been friends since high school - but if one of my friends asks me what kind of dessert she should bring me tomorrow afternoon when I'm having dinner alone at home then I'll politely decline because there are certain things she wouldn't understand yet anyway (like why some foods taste better cold).

Resilience is essential for navigating through these times of disruption and uncertainty.

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity and continue to thrive. It's an essential skill for navigating through these times of disruption and uncertainty.

In this digital-first, disrupted world, resilience will be key if we want our businesses, organizations, communities, and economies to thrive—and survive—in the 21st century.


In the next five to ten years, the changes brought about by disruptive technologies will be more profound than any in the last one hundred and fifty. We will need to think critically about our approach to change management. Consequently, we may not be able to control when and how disruptive technologies transform our industry, but we can determine what comes next; and we will do this by exercising personal resilience.

In the end, we all have the same goal: to help those who come after us navigate the uncertainties of our time with agility. And—like most things in life—the key to success lies in a healthy balance of hard and soft skills, coupled with a heavy dose of self-awareness and adaptability. It's not easy, but it's worth it. Good luck, and don't forget to check out the infographic at the bottom of this article.

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