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How technology is changing how we treat application development


A lot has changed since the days when people used to build applications by writing lines of code. Today's software engineers have tools that automate a lot of this work, making it easier for them to get new software out faster and easier for developers to get their work done without constantly monitoring their applications. Actually, according to a recent survey by Gartner, 80% of executives believe that automation can be used to support every business decision. The rise of mobile has made application development more challenging because there are so many different devices out there that need to be supported by developers—and they're not all built using the same technology! Cloud computing is also making it easier for developers to get new software out faster because now they can just upload everything onto a cloud server instead of having someone else host it locally on their own computer or server at home or work (which used to happen). So what does this mean for us as consumers? Well, let me tell you: we've entered an era where anything is possible!

1. People used to build applications by writing lines of code.

Code is the language that computers understand. It's written in a text editor, like Notepad or Wordpad, and then compiled into machine code by a compiler. The resulting binary file (the program) is then run by an interpreter, which translates it into machine language; the program runs on your processor's hardware (the CPU).

You've probably heard about how software developers use different programming languages like C++ or Java to build applications for mobile phones and desktop computers. But did you know that there are many other ways to write programs? Some people prefer writing their code manually; others prefer using a graphical user interface such as Visual Studio for Windows or Visual Studio Code for MacOS X/Linux/Windows 10+.


2. Today software engineers have tools that automate a lot of this work.


Automating testing: 

You can use an automated test service to run your application in isolation, without having to install it locally on your computer. This means that you get instant feedback on any changes you make to the code and can easily create new tests as well as adjust existing ones.

Automating deployment: 

If you're using Heroku or another PaaS provider like DigitalOcean or AWS CloudFormation then it's likely that your applications are already deployed automatically when they go live - so no need to worry about manually deploying each time!

Automating other parts of the process such as adding new features: 

Many frameworks provide features like add-ons which allow developers to quickly build additional functionality into their apps without needing any programming knowledge at all; creating these add-ons is usually done automatically thanks again to these frameworks' built-in tooling capabilities (see below).


3. Developers don't have to constantly monitor applications anymore.

Software engineers can focus on building new features and products, rather than having to fix bugs or document their code every time they add something new. Developers can reuse code instead of writing it again, which saves time and money. This is especially true when you're dealing with large teams working on complex projects with many different stakeholders who have different needs for their systems (e.g., customers).


4. The rise of mobile has made application development more challenging.

Mobile devices have different screen sizes, capabilities and operating systems to support—and developers must code for all of them! Developers are also forced to optimize code for low-end devices where connectivity is weak or unreliable. This can be a challenge because users expect apps to perform flawlessly even on low-end devices (and they may not want a slow app).


5. Cloud computing is making it easier for developers to get new software out faster.

Cloud computing is a way to store and access data and software over the internet. It allows developers to quickly and easily update their applications, add new features to their applications, and scale them as needed. This means that instead of waiting for their network administrators or IT department at their company's headquarters (which could be hundreds of miles away) to solve an issue with a server in another country, you can just log into your account from wherever there is connectivity—and fix it yourself!


6. Digital assistants make it easier for the average person to do more with technology.

Digital assistants are useful for helping people with everyday tasks. For example, you could ask Siri to set your alarm for 6am and then go back to sleep until it's time for work.

Digital assistants can also make it easier for people who have disabilities or lack mobility in their hands or arms. With these tools, you don't need a mouse anymore; you just use your voice! As an example, imagine trying to find something on Google when someone uses the keyboard instead of their hands (or even worse—their feet). A digital assistant would allow them access without having any physical limitations like this one might have been lacking before using such technology as there was no way around that issue at all except through some sort of workaround solution which turned out not being very effective long term anyway because ultimately even though they worked initially they ended up causing more problems than benefits overall due largely because they weren't truly intuitive enough so users had difficulty adapting quickly enough into new habits which led directly back down again towards where things started off - namely frustration levels escalating over time making matters worse than ever before leading eventually straight back toward square one where everything starts anew again except now everything has become even harder since now everyone knows exactly what happened last time so everyone knows exactly how much trouble lies ahead if only given enough opportunity time


7. We are entering a new era of software development that is more sophisticated and less manual

There is no doubt that we are entering a new era of software development that is more sophisticated and less manual. As a result, it's important to understand how technology can help you build better software applications.

There are several ways in which technology has impacted software development:
  • Technology makes building robust applications easier. It can reduce the amount of time required for each task by automating mundane tasks such as connecting data sources and validating data quality, among others.*

  • Technology allows developers to work collaboratively with other teams on multiple projects at once (or across different companies). This means they can share their knowledge with each other quickly without having to go through lengthy processes like hiring recruiters or training new team members.

  •  A big advantage here is that developers don't have as much time available since they're not spending hours every day debugging problems caused by mistakes made during design phase or implementation phase. 

  • The use of APIs has increased dramatically over recent years due mostly because there are many open-source libraries available online which allow developers access whatever functionality they need without having any code written specifically for it themselves.

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